Four Easy Christmas Traditions That Point Us To Christ

In November and December, many of us embark on reviving cherished Christmas and Holiday traditions. These traditions, whether inherited from generations past or created to make lasting memories for our children, often revolve around familiar activities such as decorating, baking delicious treats, enjoying Christmas movies, constructing gingerbread houses, and engaging in festive arts and crafts. While these traditions undoubtedly bring joy and strengthen family bonds, it’s easy to overlook the incorporation of Christ-centered activities that can infuse our celebrations with a deeper sense of meaning and reflection on the true essence of the season.

How amazing would it be if our kids remembered the Christ-focused traditions and connected that to the warm and joyous feeling of the season? Recently, my Pastor shared a thought that resonated deeply with me—acknowledging that while we understand God’s constant presence, do our daily lives reflect this awareness? I’ve discovered that dedicating time to prayer and immersing myself in God’s word heightens my awareness of how I live and love those around me. 

So with that thought, I would like to share four Christmas traditions we have been enjoying over the last few years that have blessed our family, and I hope you will feel inspired to try some of these too.

#1 Advent Devotional

There are a variety of family devotionals you can use to gather your loved ones on the couch to talk about Jesus’ birth. These devotionals serve as valuable tools in understanding the Bible and offering insights that can be applied to our daily lives. Over the past two years, my family has embraced an Advent Devotional that I personally wrote. This devotional is not only rich in Bible history but is also tailored for family-friendly engagement, imparting a meaningful understanding of the true reason behind Christmas to your child. Our Advent Devotional has become a much-anticipated tradition in our home, and my children look forward to it. 

I recently penned a blog highlighting – Five Ways to infuse Peace and Christ-centeredness into your Christmas celebrations. Feel free to check it out for other ideas. 

#2 Christmas Prayer Jar

We absolutely adore our Christmas Prayer Jar tradition. This year, I happened to forget to set it up early on, but my kids reminded me of it. It has now become a core memory for us, and Christmas time means it’s time for our Prayer Jar.

Last year, I created a list of people who could benefit from extra prayers. I divided them into categories such as leaders, firefighters, doctors, grandparents, and so on. We would choose a name from the jar and create a list of things to pray for them. Each day, our family takes turns praying. What a great way to raise prayer warriors!

If you already spend time in family prayer and devotion daily, this is a great time to incorporate it. If this is a habit you are still learning to build as a family, this is a great time to start. Either way, there is also great blessing over you in blessing and praying for others. 

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior."
1 Timothy 2:1-3

If you would like to do this, click Here to access my free template.

#3 Christmas Kindness Bingo

Last year, we had a Kindness Jar for our kids. This year, I turned it into a Kindness Bingo game to encourage them to spread kindness throughout the month. We all know that we could use extra compassion and peace in our lives, and this is a great opportunity for our children to intentionally be kind to one another. 

If you would like to try this at home, here is my free Kindness Bingo and a quick guide to how this works. List what your family needs the most in each box -such as a helpful hand, kind words, patience, etc. and find activities, chores, and other ways you can bring those qualities out of each kid. Once they complete their Bingo, reward them – have a hot cocoa party, a movie night, or whatever makes them happy. 

We started this a few days ago and since then, my oldest has written me the sweetest note thanking me for everything I do, and my middle child has been walking around complimenting everyone in the house. My prayer is that this behavior becomes contagious and sticks with the kids well past this season. I may just continue the Kindness Bingo for each month.

#4 Participate in Christmas Giving

The holiday season presents lots of opportunities to give. I will never forget this one Christmas from my childhood, which is still etched in my memory. The church asked every child to willingly part with one of their cherished toys that would then be donated. That year, my parents encouraged us to give graciously and honestly. So I parted with my most treasured possession—an adorable doll dressed in pink, incredibly soft and huggable, complete with a baby carrier. My sisters did the same. I’m sure I missed that toy, but the lesson I learned has never parted from my memory. 

There are so many ways you can involve your child in giving so that they will learn to give generously, too. Every year, I take the kids shopping for toys we donate. Our church in Michigan and here in Maryland both have toy donation drives, and I am thankful for this program because, in a world where children want more and more, we are showing them that giving also matters. Another great idea is to declutter your children’s toys and donate them to a good cause. You can also participate in Food Drives through schools, radio stations, community centers, and other places, making it a tangible activity that your child can participate in. 

Lastly, who can you bless this season with your gifts? If God is nudging you to bless someone in your life this season, then go ahead and give generously within your means, because we know that God loves a cheerful giver.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 
2 Corinthians 9:7


I hope you find your Christmas tradition; one that resonates with your family and focuses on the true meaning of Christmas. Stay Blessed and wishing you a wonderful Christmas. 

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