Hello fellow homeschooler,
I have two kids who go to school full-time and a preschooler who homeschools. We call ourselves after-schoolers. What is after-schooling you ask? That is a great question, and I have a full blog that tells you all about it. Click here to read.
If you are wondering if homeschooling is for you, know this – homeschooling is for everyone. Anytime you take to educate your child at home, whether full time or part time is homeschooling. We supplement learning at home in a very intentional way and on this page, you will lots of information on what kind of programs we use and love. I hope you will find some inspiration and helpful information as you scour the internet for the best programs you can use for your child.

There is a build-up to math and a methodology to learn it. You can teach your child to count to 10, but what purpose is it if they can’t quantitatively recognize it. It’s the same with learning mathematical operations. We learn math with a preferred curriculum. To read more, tap below.

Language Arts is simply the study of the entirety of the English Language. It includes reading, writing, spelling, vocabulary, comprehension, and anything else that develops proficiency in communication. It is the foundation for future learning success. For more on how we tackle this, read more.

We cover subjects that include Science, History, Geography, and Latin. We learn Spanish because I believe that children should learn a second language. We also take time to do art, painting, craft, and Bible Studies. Read more to learn what curricula we use for these subjects.