One Mom’s Christmas Eve

It’s Christmas Eve, and I have had quite the day. I love this season because it brings me a feeling of joy, togetherness, and warm memories from Christmas’ past. But no matter the season, as parents, our daily struggles are still real. And without going into what happened in my day, for a moment, I was ready to give up on Christmas altogether. My sweet 4-year-old, who is always so thoughtful and sensitive, came to me while I was taking my time out and said: ” I’m sorry for anything bad I did.” That touched my soul and melted my heart. It reminded me that the reason for this season had nothing to do with my broken expectations or hurt feelings. It was Christmas Eve, and I had a responsibility to demonstrate forgiveness.

When we have bad days, we need to teach our kids how to recover, so that’s what I did. I quickly came down from my sulking moment and got the kids together to make a plan for the next few hours. And just like that, things were better.

It’s ok to have big feelings in the middle of big happenings. But how we recover and gain perspective from it, is what matters.

No matter how your day has gone, may your Christmas be a blessed one for you and your family.

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