Are you looking for some good Children’s books to share the story of Christmas? While the Bible is always a great place to find the whole truth without embellishments, it is probably a good source for older kids.
The Bible
For those who would like to use the Bible to teach the story of Christmas, you can follow the below passages in this order. You can find the whole story of Jesus in only a few chapters between Matthew and Luke. With older kids, use the notes in the Bible to talk about the circumstance when Jesus was born and give them some background.
- John’s Birth Announced: Luke 1: 5-25
- Christ’s Birth Announced: Luke 1: 26-38
- Joseph Receives the news: Matthew 1: 18-24
- Jesus Birth: Luke 2: 1-7
- Shepherds: Luke 2: 8-20
- Wise Men: Matthew 2: 1-12
Younger kids need illustrations to imagine the setting and picture what it might have been like in those times. The good news is that there are books written for kids that will introduce the story of Jesus\’ birth, and I\’m here to share a few that I have used and that my kids have loved.
The Christmas Story
Written By: Jane Werner Watson
Illustrated By: Eloise Wilkin

The Little Golden Book publishes this, and they do an excellent job of recounting the story of Jesus Birth. You can use this book for kids five years and older.
The First Christmas
Written By: Holly Berry Byrd
Illustrated By: Morgan Huff

This is a good book for toddlers. It has pop-ups, so it keeps your kid engaged till the end. It has pretty illustrations and simple text to teach your child the main events of Jesus Birth. Here\’s a tip for reading with the little ones – ask a lot of questions as you open the pop-up, such as
- Who do you see in the stable? (Cow and the dove)
- Can you spot the bright star? (Have them point to it in every page they can find it)
- Where did the star lead the wise men? (To Jesus)
- How many angels do you see? (four)
- Are they singing? What are they singing? (Yes they are singing. They are singing that Jesus is born)
- Who is the baby in the crib? (Jesus)
- Do you remember his mommy and daddy\’s name? (Mary and Joseph)
The First Christmas Night
Written By: Keith Christopher
Illustrated By: Christine Kornacki

If you have read ‘Twas the night before Christmas’, this book follows the same poetic rhythm but to the words of the story of Jesus’ Birth. It has lots of rhymes and beautiful illustrations. It is such a simple read, you can read it to all your kids. My 7-year-old still loves reading this book.
Berenstain Bears and the Joy of Christmas
Written By: Jan & Mike Berenstain

Here\’s why I included this book – The Berenstein Bears are a fantastic children\’s book and TV series that teaches many values. In this book, the Berenstein Bear kids are in the nativity play, and they learn something new about what giving means, and it changes the way they approach their presents on Christmas day.
I hope you find these helpful for your family. Like, share, comment, and follow along if you do. You can sign up to receive emails whenever a new blog is posted.
Have a Merry Christmas!!!