Eva Verghese

boy in green shirt

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – Our Education Experience

I am a full-time mom with three kids-9,5,& 4. Two of them go to public school, and I homeschool my preschooler. We have homeschooled, private schooled (Montessori), and now public school our kids, and I’m here to tell you that all of them are great options to educate your children. We are afterschoolers (home learners), …

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – Our Education Experience Read More »

woman in blue shirt talking to a young man in white shirt

Three Reasons Why We Struggle With First-Time Disobedience

Do you struggle with first-time disobedience? Does it make you mad until you can’t think straight? Is this your #1 struggle with your children? Let’s face it! We struggle with the fact that our kids outrightly agree to disagree with us. The moment they walk away from our instructions, we feel many things. Let’s talk …

Three Reasons Why We Struggle With First-Time Disobedience Read More »

Five Parenting Mistakes We Make and What to do Instead

One Saturday morning, my kids could not decide what to have for breakfast. I took a poll and picked the most popular choice. I assumed I did the fair thing, but it left at least one kid unhappy. They started with complaints that turned into whines. The whining continued long enough, leading me to pause …

Five Parenting Mistakes We Make and What to do Instead Read More »

a kid standing on chair decorating a christmas tree

Having Purpose and Intent in the Busyness of Christmas

It is Christmas season, and no matter how much we want to get away from the hustle and bustle, we are knee-deep. There is a narrative I have seen these past few years about needing to slow down and cut the busyness out of our life. But what if you want busyness? For those who …

Having Purpose and Intent in the Busyness of Christmas Read More »

lighted christmas tree

Shifting away from Santa to Celebrating Christmas

I read a convicting blog by a Christian mama many years ago (2014) that made me ponder Santa. Here’s the link if you are interested in reading it. It was the first time I heard someone justify why Santa is hard to explain when raising kids in the Lord. I was a new mom then and didn’t …

Shifting away from Santa to Celebrating Christmas Read More »

Advent Countdown – A 20-Day Family Devotional

I created an advent devotional this year and am excited to share it with all of you. I recently shared it with family and friends, and the question they asked was – what is Advent and who is it for? So let’s start there.  What is Advent, and who is it for?  The word Advent …

Advent Countdown – A 20-Day Family Devotional Read More »

angry little brothers fighting and pulling toy to sides

Sibling Squabbles and Ways to work through them

There has been a lot of fighting lately at home. I’m talking about the children. It was getting hard to watch them bicker over things that seemed unreasonable. I would sometimes intervene to solve the problem but not create a solution for the future. One day as the kids were getting into their back and …

Sibling Squabbles and Ways to work through them Read More »