Get Your Child Excited About Reading This Summer

a boy and girl sitting on the floor while holding books

Schools will be out soon, and for those taking a relaxed approach to homeschooling, you can shake things up at home and start a summer reading tradition with your kids. It is the perfect time for children to explore the wonders of reading and embark on thrilling literary adventures. Whether your child is a seasoned bookworm or needs a little nudge to pick up a book, I’d like to offer some unique ways to ignite your child’s love for reading and share a few summer reading programs you should consider.

Reading programs to consider

1. Freestyle Mom’s Summer Reading Bingo

I am thrilled to announce our Summer Reading Bingo for Kids, a fun-filled challenge that will inspire a love for books in children of all ages. Here’s how it works: throughout the summer, you can complete a Bingo board filled with exciting reading prompts. From exploring stories about animals to diving into magical realms and discovering brave characters, each square on the Bingo board will guide young readers on a thrilling literary journey. Each completed Bingo row will earn them an entry into our exclusive prize draw. The lucky winner will receive a $50 gift card to Thriftbooks, which could buy you up to ten books (…with their prices)!  

I have provided a list of books recommended for three age groups ranging from 3-10. Ready to join the fun? Download the Summer Reading Bingo card from the link here. You can print it crossing off each square as you complete the corresponding book. 

Dates: June 01 – Aug 31

2. Local Library Summer Reading Programs

Library Summer Reading Programs are here! You can participate in a variety of activities, including reading books and having a blast, to unlock fun rewards. The library program in our county offered a free book for just signing up. Once signed up, every child receives a booklet with a list of activities they can check off to earn a reward at the end of the summer. For those in the Maryland area, here is link to the Howard County summer reading program.

Head to your local library and join in!

Dates: Check with your local library for dates.

3. Barnes and Nobles Summer Reading Program

I recently discovered an amazing program that a friend of mine shared with me. It’s an opportunity for your child to receive a free book from Barnes and Noble by reading eight books over the summer. But here’s the catch – Barnes and Noble wants to make sure your child truly engages with the books they read. They’ve added a simple form where your child can write down one thing they loved about each book. It’s a terrific way to encourage them to reflect on their reading experiences. Take advantage of this fun and rewarding program! Click here to access the form.

Date: July 1 – Aug 31
TIP: Here’s a fun tip for you – Participate in all these programs at once by reading the same books and cashing in all the rewards offered by them. 

Making reading a fun summer activity

You may already have children at home who love to read. I know I have one of those. I also have one who is building reading stamina with early chapter books. There is so much to gain from building a love for reading. One of the greatest reasons is to gain KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge can do wonders in your life because it is in knowing that you can appreciate, experience, and enjoy the things that you come across. This is why we need to encourage reading as an enjoyable hobby.

How can you make reading fun and different this summer? I’m offering FIVE ways you can do so. Read on….

1. Create a Cozy Reading Nook

Transform a corner of your home into a cozy reading nook that sparks your child’s imagination. Add soft pillows, blankets, and shelves filled with captivating books. Involve your children in decorating the area so they get excited about it. Make it a place that is a magical escape from the rest of the home, giving them a reason to get away for reading time. 

2. Participate in Reading Challenges

Engage your child in reading challenges or set achievable reading goals for the summer. I’ve offered three suggestions above. Kids love participating in events when prizes and rewards are involved, so explain the programs and excite them. Set aside dedicated reading time each day, and let your child choose their books based on their interests while also encouraging them to try out new books, authors, genres, etc. 

3. Book Bucks or Book Cash

Introduce a “Book Bucks” system where children earn a certain amount of “book bucks” for each book they read. These book bucks can be redeemed for various rewards, such as extra screen time, a special outing, a new book of their choice, or a favorite treat. If Book Bucks sounds like too much work, reward them with a set amount of money for each book they read, and plan a shopping trip at the end of the summer to cash in and buy whatever they like. My kids chose to do book cash this summer so we will be offering a couple of dollars for each book they read ($1-$5 depending on the size and level of the book).

4. Book Clubs or Book Party

If you have other friends participating in various other summer reading programs, arrange for a fun get-together where they can all bring their favorite books and share them with others (without pressure). Make it fun; bring out the snacks, watch a movie that was first a book, play games, and give them some community reading time in your reading nook corner. 

5. Themed Book-to-Movie Night

Take your kids’ reading experience to the next level by organizing a themed book-to-movie night during the summer. Here are some exciting ideas to make it an unforgettable event:

  1. Choose the Perfect Book: Select a book adapted into a movie, ensuring it aligns with your kids’ interests and age appropriateness. 
  2. Set the Scene: Transform your living room into a movie theater ambiance. Dim the lights, bring out cozy blankets and pillows, and set up a popcorn station with various toppings and snacks. Encourage your kids to dress up as their favorite characters from the book. Let their imagination run wild as they step into the shoes of their beloved literary heroes.
  3. Decorate with the Theme: Enhance the atmosphere by decorating your space to match the book’s theme. 
  4. Invite Friends and Family: Extend the invitation to friends or family members who have also read the book or watched the movie. It adds to the excitement and creates a shared experience.
  5. Follow-Up Discussions: Gather everyone to discuss the book versus the movie. If you are up for it, plan trivia questions, and hand out prices. 

Final thoughts

Remember, the key to a memorable summer with your children is doing activities that bring you joy. Don’t feel obligated to create picture-perfect moments, but rather focus on what truly makes you and your children happy. Have open discussions, brainstorm new ideas, and choose activities that will create lasting memories. The ultimate goal is to encourage more reading by providing unique and meaningful experiences for everyone involved. So, keep it simple, follow your interests, and enjoy the journey together.

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