March Booklist: Staying on the reading journey

I hope that you are having an incredible reading journey and keeping up with your book goals. I have to say that I feel pretty proud that I have read more books in two months than I did in half a year last year. If you are new to my blog, welcome. I am on a journey to reprioritize old hobbies, and make time to read for the love of it. Join me this month as I have curated a variety of books from different genres. 

Make sure to check out my January and February book lists for more suggestions. I will be updating these at the end of the month so I can better provide you with an idea of what the book encompasses. 


I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through Jane Austen’s novels. This is my third and while it is not my favorite of the the three I have read thus far, I continue to enjoy the literature, the subtle romance, and the enduring, witty, wise, and socially astute characters she portrays in her books. 

I listened to the audiobook and it was 20 hours long. I’m glad I have the capacity to listen at 2.5 because it took me less than 10 hours over 2 weeks. Elon Musk is an out of the world visionary, and his backstory, his family relationships, his work endeavors, mixed with his personal life story, mental struggles, and failures, makes this book worth the read. The book is thorough and goes into great detail into every initiative, project, idea, failures, and grand successes that Elon Musk ever ventured into in his lifetime. 

I started reading this book last year and never finished it. I love following Justin’s Instagram account. He has much to say and great advice for Christian parents. This book is primarily about building habits in your household around your kids and your family, and it requires a mindset shift that enables you to rise above your human weakness to support better outcomes. 

I chose this book intending to encourage my 10-year-old to read. It’s a swift read presented in short, episodic chunks that propel the story forward. The narrative revolves around a rover named Resilience, undergoing preparations for a mission to Mars. This rover’s capacity to develop and comprehend human emotions makes it unique, which aids in his mission. There is so much more to the story that involves the developers who build and code the rover and the little girl who writes the story of her mom(the coder). Pick up this book and read it. 

I’ve heard Dave Ramsey on radio and podcasts but this was his first book I read and a great one to start with it. Dave Ramsey talks a great deal about what it means to leave a legacy behind with your money, family, and your wealth. He is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. From his own experience, and from the many people he has helped along the way in their financial journey, he comes with a wealth of wisdom and knowledge. If you are wondering what your legacy in life needs to be, here’s a good book to read. 

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