Eva Verghese

The Program that made My four-year-old a fluent early reader

Are you looking for a reading program for the next homeschool year or wondering where to start with your Kindergartener? If so, then you might find this article helpful. I will be sharing a review of the reading program, All About Reading, that my 4-year-old used this past year. All About Reading and All About Spelling …

The Program that made My four-year-old a fluent early reader Read More »

woman reading book to toddler

Mother’s Day – expectations, reality, and a word of encouragement

Mother’s day is around the corner. How many moms reading this feel like you need your family to step up and make it a special day? After all, what is life without mom, right? We do everything for our little ones. Some of us give up our careers to raise our children with intention and …

Mother’s Day – expectations, reality, and a word of encouragement Read More »

How I After-School my 8-year old (2022)

We are after-schoolers. What does that mean? My school-going kid homeschools after school. Why? Because, in my personal opinion, there are gaps in the content of learning at the public school. What is the basis? Based on our homeschool experience, curriculum picks, and content exposure, I determine the benchmark for my family. I will write a …

How I After-School my 8-year old (2022) Read More »

homeschool math

List of ways to implement Singapore math

We can pick the best curricula, but the key to successful learning is teaching and implementation.  Who will benefit from this post  While I’ve given several examples for Level K, this post is applicable and beneficial to  The parent teaching Dimensions using Singapore Math The parent starting Singapore Math at Pre-K or K level The …

List of ways to implement Singapore math Read More »

girls watching on laptop while sitting on brown woven ottoman

Teach children to be independent -Part 2

Teaching kids to self-serve Last month, I started a series on how to teach your children to be independent. We talked about developing a morning routine that your children can get through independently, or any routine for that matter. In this article, I will be discussing how to encourage self-service.  If you are wondering if …

Teach children to be independent -Part 2 Read More »