
Welcome to my parenting page. You will find articles on parenting, faith, books, motherhood, and many other topics.  My inspiration and knowledge comes from reading parenting books, blogs, articles, and listening to educational, parenting,  and christian podcasts. My  greatest source of wisdom and knowledge comes from my daily walk with God and from reading his word. Of course, my own experiences raising three kids under 8 is where my personal stories and parenting strategies  come from. I share things that have worked or that I use in my day to day interactions, and I hope that you will find them useful and be encouraged in your parenting journey. 

To search for a specific topic, you can use the search feature in the right corner. Is there a topic you do not find and would like me to cover? Click the contact form to send me a request. For Faith-based resources, you can head to the Christian Living page, where I share books, podcasts, and faith-based articles.

Parenting books i love

articles on parenting

woman reading book to toddler
Mother’s Day - expectations, reality, and a word of encouragement
Mother’s day is around the corner. How many moms reading this feel like you need your family to step up and make it a special day? After all, what is life without mom, right? We do everything for...
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What you need to know about potty training
Have you ever reached a milestone in parenting and taken the time to celebrate? I rarely do, but I have officially reached a significant milestone that calls for celebration. I have potty-trained my youngest,...
reading with kids
How to make reading fun with Dialogic Reading
Have you ever read to your toddler and found them disinterested in the book?  Do you find your child jumping off your lap to do something else while you are reading a book?  Does your child...
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Teach children to be independent -Part 2
Teaching kids to self-serve Last month, I started a series on how to teach your children to be independent. We talked about developing a morning routine that your children can get through independently,...
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